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What does our membership mean ?
Membership is open to African and non-African veterinarians and non-veterinarians who are actively involved in the control of animal parasites, research in veterinary parasitology, and are interested in the advancement of veterinary parasitology in Africa.
Membership will comprise of the following categories:
Open to African veterinarians and non-veterinarians (qualified by background, education, and interest) who are involved in the control of animal parasites in Africa. Veterinary parasitologists of African origin working outside Africa, and whose interests will allow them to participate in, and contribute to the objectives of the network shall also qualify for regular membership. Membership shall be attained by application and payment of subscription fee and shall have voting rights.
Membership is $25/yr.
Open to persons (non-Africans working in or outside Africa) of high reputation in the field of veterinary parasitology and who are not qualified for regular membership. Membership shall be obtained by application or nomination by the WAAV-AN Steering Committee, and payment of the subscription fee. Such members shall not have voting rights.
Membership is $50/yr.
Available on invitation to organizations/institutions/associations with an interest in the control of animal parasites, and who are willing to contribute to the objectives of the network through financial or technical support. Such members shall pay subscription fee and shall not have voting rights.
Membership is $100/yr.
Open to persons of African origin currently enrolled as students (final year undergraduates, MSc and PhD – working on veterinary parasitology), and whose interests will, in the opinion of the WAAVP-AN Steering Committee, allow them to participate in, and contribute to the objectives of the network. Membership shall be attained by application and payment of subscription fee and shall have voting rights.
Membership is $5/yr.
Open to regular members, of good standing upon retirement. The subscription fee may be waived for such members, and they shall be entitled to all the privileges of regular membership.
Open to persons who qualify for regular membership, and who joined the network (as steering committee members) during its formation and spearheaded its establishment. Such members shall be entitled to all the privileges of regular membership.
Shall be awarded to persons (highly reputed scientists including non-parasitologists) who are not regular members of the network, in recognition of their outstanding and sustained achievements, and contribution to the control of animal diseases or global health. Membership shall be obtained through nomination by the WAAV-AN Steering Committee. Such members shall not pay subscription fee and shall not have voting rights.
Membership Benefits
- Networking and support from local and international parasitologists.
- Receive regular newsletters/emails with news, updates, and opportunities.
- Discounted registration fees at all WAAVP-AN events.
- Eligibility to compete for prizes and other awards at the WAAVP-AN conferences.
- Eligibility for WAAVP-AN grants.
- Receive a membership certificate every year after payment of membership fees.