Harare Office

2 Fairbairn Drive, Mt Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe

Nairobi Office

The African Capacity Building Foundation, ACK Garden House, 2nd Floor, 1st Ngong Avenue, Nairobi-Kenya.

Johannesburg Office

1234 DuBuque Junctions

London Office

7691 Jaclyn Circle Apt. 641

Paris Office

06 Khalil Mountain

New York Office

97 DuBuque Junctions

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Contact Us and Let Us Get Talking

Please use the contact form if you have any general questions or requests about our services. We will try our best to respond back to you within 24 hours.

Our Nairobi Office

The African Capacity Building Foundation, ACK Garden House, 2nd Floor, 1st Ngong Avenue, Nairobi-Kenya.

Our Harare Office

2 Fairbairn Drive, Mt Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe

Our Johannesburg Office

1234 DuBuque Junctions


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